Friday, 24 December 2010

To test or not to test :/

Well i havent blogged for a while, mainly because there hasnt been a great deal to say on the baby front. I still want one. Desperately. End of story :/
Found out recently that my lovely sister in law is now expecting, which is lovely, because it means i can get my baby fix, and have one as a big part of my life, and have a fantastic excuse for all the baby shopping i do :)
Well i think we've given it a pretty good shot this month, we've stuck to all our dates and done everything 'by the book', but still.. im not getting my hopes up.
Today is Christmas eve, aswell as my due date :( Which is pretty suckyish in to anyone, but especially to me at the moment, i have no idea how i am going to feel when my period arrives and its looking likely to either be Christmas day, My 21st Birthday or my Party day, none of which are overly appealing to me.
My fabulous friend Beki (also expecting) gave me a 'lucky pregnancy test' as a secret santa gift and told me to take it on Christmas morning. Im battling with myself as to whether to go ahead with this or not. Adam seems quite keen on the idea.
Heres my Pro: I am probably going to be rather upset when i see the negative result, so having christmas, my birthday and my party striaght after may certainly help to perk me up. I always get a little depressed when christmas etc is over anyway, so adding a negative test ontop of that midweek would be pretty harsh.
Pro number two: If the test happened to be positive, it would be the best christmas present we've ever had.
Heres my con: My period is only due today, therefore the chances of it showing up tomorrow anyway are pretty slim.

I am really trying to not get my hopes up about it all, iv had tummy ache on and off for the past two days now so things arent looking good :(

Iv also had unbarable thirst, extreme fatigue, cravings for sausage meat and tender breasts, but all of this could be linked to the dreaded upcoming period :/

If this is yet another negative, that is our 'trying' over for about 8 months, which breaks my heart. But at least now we have Kellys baby to be all excited about :)

Happy Christmas to all, how ironic is it that we are celebrating the birth of a baby too :p

Will let you know, when i know.


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